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Ronan P. Betzler
Aug 16, 2020
In Your Short Plays
Ronan P. Betzler  13/8/2020 Bridge - No. Ext. Forest - Day  Two people are walking in the woods. They get to a bridge.  Person 1 It’s just over the bridge.  Person 2 Fuck that. I’ve seen Bridge to Terabithia. PERSON 2 walks away. 
Ronan P. Betzler
Aug 16, 2020
In Your Short Plays
Ronan P. Betzler  14/8/20 Helpless - WTF Tootsie Peter Int. Bathroom - Night  TOOTSIE walked into her bathroom and gasped. Everything from under the cabinets is strewn across the floor. A upside down wicker basket lay at the base of the toilet.  Tootsie (yelling) Peter get in here! PETER pops in the doorway.  Peter What? What’s wrong?  Tootsie holds her hands out, looks behind her right shoulder and then her left.  Tootsie What the fuck is all of this. Why is everything from my basket on the floor? Why is the basket by the toilet? I have so many questions Peter! Peter I dumped it all out in an effort to create a makeshift squatty potty. Chill out Toots. Peter walks out. Tootsie runs after.
Ronan P. Betzler
Aug 14, 2020
In Your Short Plays
Ronan P. Betzler  13/8/2020 Withdraw - Once A Year Man Int. Hotel - Morning We see various shots of a middle aged MAN getting ready. He powders his nose. He adds bobby pins to his hair. He puts on long gloves and clothes. We see flashes of red, white and blue. We have yet to see the full outfit.  He walks into frame, we see only his mouth. He paints on L’Oréal Infallible Pro Matte Liquid Lipstick in the shade Matador.  Man Ready. He walks out of frame.  A hand opens the hotel door. We see the door close as a wisp of a blue skirt just barely makes it out.   Int. elevator - Day We see the man’s eyes in an elevator, they are blue and glittery with stars delicately attatched above and below his eyebrows. He is surrounded by other people.  We see his nose and mouth. He takes a deep breath in and out.  The elevator door dings. The doors slide open. We see the Man in his entirety for the first time. He is dressed up as Sailor Moon. He steps out of the elevator. A Gandalf steps out as well, then a Harry Potter and other characters from popular tv shows, books and movies.   The man looks up and sees a banner that reads: 'ComicCon 2018, Welcome Home'.  Man Ah, I’ve missed this.  He walks off, a smile plastered on his face as he is joined by the other members of the Sailor Scouts who are all various ages, genders and ethnicities.
Ronan P. Betzler
Aug 13, 2020
In Your Short Plays
Ronan P. Betzler  Delay - The Clock 12/8/20 Elliot - 15 Quentin - 17 Ext. Woods - Afternoon  The air was light, almost shimmering. ELLIOT, 15, a young man in a crown stepped out from behind a tree, he paces forward.  The crown slides down his face and he quickly grabs it and places it back on his head. Elliot I’m going to find you Q! Where did you run off to?  Elliot walks around, looking down, looking up, he begins walking backwards. One step at a time.  He bumps into something and whips around. An old grandfather clock towers over him. There’s a note carved into the clock, it reads: ‘Elliot, gone exploring. I’ll be back before tonight’s Feast of Starlight. If I’m late, save me a piece of the pie.’  Ext. Woods - Night Elliot, 28, sits in a chair in front of the grandfather clock. A piece of pie in his lap and a crown on his head, he tosses stones into the air and they float. He flicks his wrist and they hit the old clock. Elliot (whispering) Q, where did you run off to? Ext. Woods - Day  Elliot, 36, a royal crown tops his head and a cape on his shoulders, a piece of pie in his hands. He sits on a picnic blanket, a feast lay before him. He is dozing off.  We hear a creak and Elliot jolts up. The grandfather clock is opening. QUENTIN, 17, steps out of the clock. He locks eyes with Elliot.  Quentin Wow, um, uh, hi. You look just like my friend EL. Elliot stands up and walks towards Q.  Elliot Q, where did you run off to?  Quentin Oh my- EL- What?  Quentin laughs.  Quentin (cont’d)  (to himself)  I suppose I was gone longer than I intended.  Elliot hugs Quentin. He towers over the now younger boy.  Elliot Where have you been? Quentin steps back.  Quentin EL, you’ll never believe it. I went through this manky old clock to a place called Amer-I-CA. They have these!  Quentin holds up a sloppy joe. 
Ronan P. Betzler
Aug 12, 2020
In Your Short Plays
Ronan P. Betzler Celebration - Yay? 11/8/20  CLEM Yay? Ext. Alleyway - Night CLEM walks down the street, stumbling in her heels. She takes one last gulp of the hard seltzer she is drinking and tosses the can over her shoulder. She is wearing a mesh dress covered in silver stars. She has a plastic container in her hands. Her bag is massive and filled with various party items.  Clem (Singing to herself to the tune of Carmen Sandiago) Why. Did. I. Wear. These, glit-ter-rey  fuckin’ shoes? Clem shakes her head, she laughs. Clem Because. Because! Because…  I’m a rocketman…  Clem turns the corner and plops down on a bus bench. We hear a gurgle noise. She grabs her stomach. Clem ...burning out his fuse up here alone…  She looks down at her stomach. Clem Shh! Clem opens the plastic container. Various delights lay inside. She picks up a pastry and takes a bite.  Clem Fuck. Yes.  Clem eats the whole thing. She takes out her phone and watches a youtube video called, ‘Creatures of Middle Earth Explained’. Clem sneezes. Then she sneezes again. Than a third time.  Her nose becomes blocked, she grasps at her throat and then for her bag. She plunges her perfectly manicured hand in, clearly looking for something.   Clem starts pulling things out of her bag, she wheezes and then coughs. Gasping for breathe.  Clem dumps the contents of her bag onto the ground and gets on her hands and knees. She frantically sifts through things before grabbing an epipen and pushing the tip into her thigh.  Clem takes a deep breath in and slumps against the side of the bus bench.  She grabs a party flag that fell out of her giant bag of goodies, it reads: ‘Happy Birthday Clem. Here’s to another year!’ Clem waves it around slowly, she is visibly fatigued. Clem Yay?

Ronan P. Betzler

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